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Zip System: This lazy mistake can void your warranty

2 mins read
Zip System: This lazy mistake can void your warranty

A hot debate recently came up in our home building help Facebook group. "Is my contractor supposed to roll the tape or not?" was the topic of argumentation. We’re talking about the Zip System. A homeowner wrote a post concerning the installation of the tape on their Zip System. The subcontract didn’t roll the tape over the seams of the siding, and they were concerned this would cause warranty issues down the road. Many people in the comments argued that it was unnecessary to roll the tape and said the tape would seal with the first sun exposure. Others stated this wasn’t true, and by skipping the rolling process, the zip system warranty is voided.


So to roll or not to roll? Here’s what Zip system has to say about it all.


In short, yes, the tape does need to be rolled. The words “Roll the tape” is visible on every two feet of the tape. We couldn’t find very specific information in their warranty that states the warranty would be voided if the tape wasn’t rolled.

So, we called Huber Wood, the manufacturer of Zip System. We spoke with Nick, a Zip System specialist who stated that failing to roll the tape does in fact void the warranty. He stated "the tape contains a pressure sensitive adhesive that when installed and rolled properly avoids leaks and ultimately prevents total failure." I asked Nick, “how can an installer tell when a tape wasn’t properly rolled?” The tape roller that Zip System supplies comes with little Z’s that imprint into the tape when appropriate pressure is applied. Nick said eventually these Z’s will fade with a few sun cycles and the tape becomes more rigid and less shiny over time. Fisheyes and gaps are also a common giveaway when tape isn’t properly rolled and is a good indication of poor installation, which will ultimately lead to a failed investment.

Our advice:

If you’re builder’s subcontractors aren’t rolling the tape, ask them to. 


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